Summer is a time of freedom and living. A time where we shut our phones off and go for a swim. When we close our school books or take a day off work to enjoy a day in the sun. Summer is a time of independence but it is also a time when tons begin to disconnect with their friends. It's a time where people find themselves feeling alone because they aren't forced to be around people everyday. Being connected and staying connected to people during the summer can be hard for lots of people. Since summer is a time of freedom and independence, it also comes along with changes in friendships, loneliness, and disconnecting with people. These changes and emotions can be hard to deal with but there are ways that you can stay connected with people and with your friend and avoid the disconnection that summer can bring to friendships. We have created a few ideas for you to stay connected over summer that you can apply to your friendships this summer. So let's buzz to it!

Write letters to your friends: Lots of people go on trips or they go to camp and this can be hard to keep in contact via phones, so, you can always write letters to them. You can even add little stickers or pictures in the letter to personalize it and share what you have been up to. Just make sure that before they go on their trip or to camp, text them what address they can send letters to.
Make it a point to call or text your friends at least once a week no, it's not fun to be the one that has to reach out first and it's not healthy if it continues, but usually once you reach out first a few times, if they are a good human and they feel comfortable, they will begin to reach out to your first overtime.
Set up a time to hang out over the summer: This doesn't need to be an everyday thing, or even every week but hanging out with your friends, especially outside of school, at least once during the summer can really keep a friendship connected and even strengthen a friendship if it's someone you have never hung out with outside of school before.
Face-time your friends: Face-time is a way that you can video chat to your friends and sort of virtually hang out. It is a great way to stay in touch but it's not for everyone. Some it feel uncomfortable face-timing, so just check with your friends how they feel about it and go from there.
Watch shows together: If you both have a streaming service like Disney+ or Netflix, you can watch shows together from each others devices. One person can invite the other to a watch party to enjoy a show together. This is one way to connect with your friends and give you something to talk about later.
Join a book club together: There are tons of book clubs to join that not only will help you connect with your friend but also other people outside of your current friendship. This is a great option for people who love to read and they even have virtual options for those traveling over the summer.
Go on a weekend trip together: This one might be harder for people to do but if you are able to do it, trips together really bring people closer. Maybe you can do a small camping trip or maybe if you're younger bring your mom's and while you and your friend hang out, the moms can hang out too.
Send each other recipes to try: Food is a way to connect and share love and has been for centuries around the world. Sending each other recipes to try or even dropping off food you make at their house, is one way to stay connected.
Make a bucket list and write down about each adventure to share with each other later: This is a great option for those people in friendships where one goes away for the summer because You don't have to accomplish this list together. You can call each other to make the list or you make it in person before one of you leave. Then throughout the summer you can document all your adventures and then share once you are reunited.
Send each other video updates of your week: If face-time or calls aren't for you and your friend, maybe send videoes to each other every week just updating each other on life. This way you are still in each others lives and you stay connected.
Use social media platforms: We put this last for a couple reasons, one:social media can become addictive, two: it can be harder to connect on here, and three: it's not as genuine as the other options. BUT, this is still an option. Liking, commenting, and sharing things with each other on social media platforms is a way of connecting digitally and a way to stay in each others life from everywhere in the world. So, if this seems like the best option for you, go for it, just don't forget to get out and off of social media and don't spend your summer wrapped up in your phone.
Alright lovely people, hope you enjoyed this idea list for you all, if you have any other ideas, feel free to DM us on Instagram (@beeramagazine) or to send them to use via our contact section on our website! Have a lovely day but BEFORE YOU GO, we do have two announcements below that are very important!
REMINDER OF THE DAY: Don't stay in friendships just because they feel comfortable. If your friendship isn't healthy for you, you can leave it and find someone who's friendship is good for you and summer time is a great time to begin this process. We just talked about the natural disconnect that summer brings to friendships and you can use that knowledge to your advantage. Adding the natural disconnect, you can purposely further the disconnection and then let the friendship down slowly without it turning into a large, toxic argument. This is a great option for those who are in toxic friendships and are afraid it will turn into something bigger than it needs to be if you leave.
We are currently searching for stories of hope to be featured in our first magazine. This can be a story that gave you hope or a story that would give others hope. We will be picking between 1 to 3 stories to feature.
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