It's the middle of August which means some of you might have started school and some of you might start soon, or maybe you're in neither category and you are just interested.... whichever it is, BE era is happy to have you here. Today we are going over friendships, specifically when it comes to going back to school. Friendships are a difficult and stressful part of school, especially after a summer off. Going back to school can bring up questions of, "Who should I make friends with?, "Who will I sit next to at lunch?", "What if they don't like me?", ect... Worry no longer because we have the perfect 4 quotes to tell yourself when it comes to all your questions about friendships during the stress of school.
"If they did it to you, how would you react?": When you come to a situation where you aren't sure if you should go up to someone or sit next to them, ask yourself this question. If you would react in a good way, then go for it. Often times people don't take the risks because they are afraid of how they will be perceived. For example: If you want to sit next to Lucy at lunch but you are afraid Lucy might say no or will think you are weird for asking, ask yourself "If Lucy sat next to me, how would I react?". If would be kind to Lucy and enjoy her company, then chances are Lucy will too. And if not, then Lucy isn't worth your time.
"Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you" : There is a saying "if you hang with dogs, you get fleas". Well, that saying works the other way around too. When you hang out with a studious, well-behaved person, you are more likely to become studious and well-behaved too. When you hang out with someone who slacks off or cheats their way through the work, you are more likely to slack off and cheat your way through your school work. So surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you and who will fill your life with joy, laughter, and support.
"If you are the smartest person in the room, find a different room": There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the smartest person in the room. I am pretty sure we all want to be the smartest person in the room, but when you hold that position, you are leaving yourself no room to grow. As humans, we learn from the things and people around us. Therefore, if you are the smartest in the room, there is no one to learn from. So, while at school, put yourself in crowds where there are people to learn from.
"If it won't matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes on it.": Drama is something that surrounds schools, friend groups, ect... especially in our teen years. Most of the time, the drama is entertaining when you are a bystander of it but when you are in it, it can feel like your life is falling apart. Drama becomes a huge distraction in our life and is a disruption to our mental health. But in the long run, that one mean comment probably won't matter in five years, so don't spend more than five minutes on it. Choose where to spend your energy wisely.
Wether you are going back to school in week or you're already there, remind yourself of these 4 quotes to help guide you in the right path. Have a wonderful rest of your day!