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Writer's pictureBrooklyn Dieterle


“How beautiful is it to find someone that asks for nothing but your company?” -Brigitte Nicole

Happy Thursday. Today we are going to talk about when to keep a friend and when to drop a friend. As we grow up and get older there are times where we must choose who is staying in our life, and who we should leave in the past. For some this is an easy choice, but for others this idea of leaving people behind and letting go, can be difficult.

It is currently the middle of April which means for most, the school year is about to end. No matter if you're in middle school, high school, college, just graduated, or not in school, there is a shift almost every year with friendships. This can happen because of a multitude of reasons but during these shifts, you can make conscious decisions on who you really want to keep in your life and who really needs to go. So how do we know when to keep a friend? and when to drop a friend?

Below is a basic guideline for you to follow when it comes to shifting friendships. These guidelines contain what a good friend does and what a bad friend does. From there, it is up to you who you keep in your life, and who you leave out of your life.

When to keep a friend?

Keep your friend if they…

-support you

-energize you

-encourage you

-comfort you

-respect you

-accept you for YOU

-is there for you

-doesn’t judge you

-laugh with you

-is honest with you

-is kind to you

-make you a better person

-help you grow in life

-can have a real/deeper conversation with you

-can make you laugh

-will listen to you

-are happy for your successes

-encourage you to try new things

When to drop a friend?

Drop a friend if they…

-make you feel like you can’t be yourself

-try to change who you are

-drain your energy

-are jealous of your success

-can only have surface level conversations

-disparage you from trying new things

-won‘t forgive

-aren’t someone you’re excited to see

-make you stressed

-encourage bad behavior

-aren’t trustworthy

-aren’t present when they are with you (ex: always on their phone)

-let their relationship interfere with your friendship

-always make you pay

-only use you for rides

-create drama, lies, or rumors

Again, happy Thursday. Stay tuned for tomorrows FOOD FRIDAY blog for new recipe!


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