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Writer's pictureBrooklyn Dieterle


Hello, all you lovely people! It is April now which means we are getting to the end of the school year. Often times when we have worked so hard for so many months, when we can finally see the end of the road, we lose our drive to work for our goals. When it comes to school, this is known as the "end of year burn out", or for seniors, "senior-itis", since you have worked for years, and you can see the official end of it all. This might be you are putting off your homework til the last minute, you are no longer studying for your tests, or you might not even be attending your classes. Unfortunately, this end of year burn out can impact your grades, your mental health, and your future if it gets too bad. BUT there are ways to help you avoid this end of year burn out before it becomes habit and today we are going to teach you them!


  1. Get an adequate amount of sleep each night: Sleep is one of the most important parts of our lives. It is when we re-energize, reset, and end/start our days. Making sure you have enough sleep each night can greatly decrease the risk of burn out. Read more about CREATING A CALMING BEDTIME ROUTINE

  2. Get direct sunlight: Our Vitamin D intake mostly comes from sunlight. Vitamin D can decrease mental illnesses, give you an energy boost, and improve your mood. When you are getting enough sunlight, then your vitamin D levels increase and you're less likely to end up in an end of year burn out. Check out: INCREASING VITAMIN D LEVELS (without sunlight)

  3. Have energizing meals: When we don't eat the proper foods, our bodies start to shut down. In order to keep up our energy, we must fuel our bodies. This means getting the proper vitamins and minerals your body needs, eating intuitively, having full meals, and keep your snacks nutrient filled. Not only to keep yourself from a burn out, but also for your health, you should not skip meals, or have unfulfilling snacks. You can do some research or check out some of our Food Fridays for ideas and information on how to properly fuel your body.

  4. Use a planner: At the beginning of school years or projects, we often plan things out but as time goes on and we are doing okay, we might dial it back and then it starts to get messy. Restarting or keeping up with a planner can help keep you in check as the end of the school year approaches. This can be an online planner that gives you notifications of when things are due, a planner from the school directly, or a planner that you buy to take with you and make notes of due dates and upcoming projects to stay ahead of the game. If you want to keep this fun, you can even decorate it or color code it!

  5. Give oils a try: There have been many studies proving that certain essential oils can boost your energy and focus levels. You can use these oils by diffusing them into your room while you try to work, or you can create an oil blend (research how to do it properly) and use it throughout the day as needed. A few you can try are peppermint, spearmint, and orange oils.

  6. Give teas a try: Just like essential oils, there have been many studies proving that certain teas can help improve your focus and energy levels. You can start your day with a tea, drink a tea while you study, or even take some to school with you. A few you can try are, matcha green tea, ginger tea, yerba mate, and peppermint tea. If you want to try out green tea, check out our post on: 3 WAYS TO DRINK GREEN TEA

We hope you have a good start to your week and are able to refocus and keep energized as the end of the school year is approaching.

REMINDER OF THE DAY: drink water, eat well, get sleep, and move your body!


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