In the summer, we are outside throughout the day which fills our body with vitamin D but in the winter, we don't go outside as much which leads to lower levels of vitamin D. As humans, our main source of vitamin D is from the sun because that is where it is easiest to absorb into the body. So, in the winter, you aren't getting your main source of vitamin D which can harm your body. Vitamin D effects the body in amazing ways which is why it is an essential vitamin to get. Vitamin D is a common level to be low in the winter, but there are ways you can get vitamin D without being outside.
To begin with, let's go over why you need vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. If your body doesn't have enough calcium, it can lead to soft bones or osteoporosis. It also helps with other parts of your body: here is a list of things vitamin D helps with.
Decrease depression: Low vitamin D has often been associated with depression. This is often why people develop a "winter depression" because of a lack of vitamin D. So, by increasing your vitamin D levels, you can better your mental health.
Help fight acne: Does your face clear up in the summer? That can actually be because of the increased sunshine/vitamin D. Vitamin D helps with skin protection and rejuvenation. This means it can promote new skin cells and fight off acne.
Helps strengthen your bones: As mentioned before, vitamin D helps to strengthen your bones. Calcium is what keeps your bones strong and healthy but without vitamin D, your body struggles to absorb calcium which can lead to soft, weaker bones.
Decrease mental illnesses: While depression is the main mental illness that vitamin D is associated with, there are also others like anxiety and schizophrenia. Vitamin D is involved with the brain and how it develops and regulates, and even sending signals. That is why when your vitamin D levels are low, it can lead to mental illnesses. When you increase your vitamin D some of the symptoms might be alleviated or decreased.
Low vitamin D can cause a lot more like
Weight gain
Bad moods
Joint pains
Low or no energy
That is why it is important to get vitamin D even throughout the winter when you aren't outside as much. While vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin because we get it from the sun, there are a few ways to get vitamin D without the sun. It is important to note though, that sunlight is the best way for your body to get vitamin D. But, if you are unable to go in the sun because it is cold outside... here is other ways for you to get vitamin D without the sun!
Vitamin D supplements: This is the second best options to getting vitamin D through the sunlight because of body absorption levels. There are two different types: Vitamin D2 which is often from yeast or mushrooms, or Vitamin D3 which is often from fish oil or sheep wool but there are lichen ones for vegans.
Certain Mushrooms: Some mushrooms contain vitamin D but you have to check the label if you are buying them from a store. Often times, only wild mushrooms have vitamin D because they are growing in sunlight where as most commercial grown mushrooms are grown in the dark. So, before buying mushrooms, get the label for the vitamin D. (NOTE: don't go out an eat wild mushrooms without knowing how to do it safely)
Egg yolks: If you eat eggs, then one way to get vitamin D is through egg yolks. The best eggs for this are the free range or organic because those chickens were able to roam around and absorb sunlight. A free range chicken egg can boost your vitamin D levels 3 to four times more than a chicken that was raised indoors.
Cheese: While is it a small amount, cheese does contain some vitamin D. If you are eating cheese to get vitamin D, try to avoid the softer cheese for they have almost no vitamin D. Some cheese are fortified as well though, which means it might contain more vitamin D. Check the labels to see which has the most because it heavily depends on how it is made.
Fortified Cereals: While this is not a natural vitamin D, it can still boost your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is limited in foods, so this options might be needed for those who are looking for ways to increase vitamin D levels. Check the label to see which cereals have the most vitamin D.
Salmon: For those who eat meats, salmon is a great way to get vitamin D. It is best to look for wild caught because like the chickens they were able to get more sunlight that farm raised.
Cod liver oil: For those who aren't vegan but don't like fish, you can take this supplement, cod liver oil. It is very efficient in raising vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D is limited in foods, which is another reason why sunlight is known the be the best way to get vitamin D. But, in the winter time, you can increase these foods listed above and try to keep your vitamin D levels from dropping low. We hope this post is helpful to you and that you have a wonderful rest of your day. Remember to follow us on social medias @beeramagazine across all platforms!
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