"You are your home. Take care of yourself."
Happy February to all my lovely little bee's. It's been a while since I've done a post in the BE you category. When I first created this blog, I designed the sections to resemble core factors of the Romanticism era, an era of art focused on personal feelings and creative expression. One core belief of the romanticism era was a celebration of the individual and their aesthetic beauty. From which I created the category, BE you, which is intended to cater to each person's individual beauty.
For the month of February, the month of love, I figured it would be fun to share one of my favorite ways to embrace my individual beauty, in the form of self-love. One thing I’ve found is that self love comes in many forms, from journaling to a nice hot bath. In the month of February, I wanted to share some body scrubs that me and my loved ones have made to help moisturize and nourish your skin. Nothing beats a nice shower or bath with a good scrub to make me feel entirely rejuvenated!

3 Natural Body Scrubs for Nourished and Moisturized Skin For each of these scrubs, find a clean, empty jar that you don't mind getting a little messy, combine the ingredients, and mix it all together. If there is one that sounds interesting, but has a smell you don't love or an ingredients you don't have, these recipes can be mixed around and played with to find the best combination for your skin to cherish your beauty! Remember to BE you!
1.Coconut Coffee ScrubÂ
1/4 cup of raw sugarÂ
1/4 cup of instant espresso/coffee (be wary of using actual coffee, the grounds can clog drains)
1/4 cup of coconut oilÂ
4 drops of an essential oil (ideas: lavender or vanilla)Â
2.Cinnamon Sugar Scrub
1 cup of raw sugar
3 tbsp of coconut oilÂ
1 tbs of cinnamonÂ
1 tbs of vanilla
1 tbs of honeyÂ
1/4 of body wash (of your choice)
3.Lavender Salt ScrubÂ
1/2 cup of salt (any works but a rough himalayan feels really nice)Â
2 tbsp of coconut oilÂ
1/4 cup of body wash (of your choice)Â
3 drops of Lavender oilÂ
***Make sure you are not sensitive to the essential oils you choose to add to your scrubs. If you are not sure, read the caution labels and use one with a mild scent to avoid skin irritation.
I hope these are helpful and you find the best fun scrub to make this month. So many scrubs that we buy have harsh chemicals that can harm the skin short term or long term. But there are so many natural ingredients that you may already have lying around your home that can be used to make the perfect DIY body scrub! And its so easy too! Have a lovely day and remember to shower yourself in love this month, Brooklyn.