Happy Monday! We hope you all had a lovely weekend full of love, warmth, and smiles. It is a new day and the start to a new week! Today's blog post is about self-love journaling. If you missed last week's blog post, SIMPLE ROUTINES TO REGAIN OR DEVELOP SELF LOVE , you should check it out. One of the routines we talked about in that blog is self-love journaling. So, we thought it was only fit that we do a full blog post on self-love journaling. It has been said before, but we will say it again, self-love is one of the most important forms of love there is. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you have love for yourself. In this blog we will talk about why you should self-love journal, how to self-love journal, and give you prompt ideas for self-love journaling. So, let's get to it!
WHY SHOULD YOU SELF LOVE JOURNALING? No matter what stage of self-love you feel you are in, self-love journaling is beneficial for everyone. The process of appreciating yourself, focusing on your accomplishments, acknowledging your worth, ect... is so beautiful and mentally strengthening.
As a society, we are taught from a young age to not "brag" about yourself, but overtime, this can lead to feeling like you shouldn't be proud of yourself. When you aren't proud of yourself and the things you have done, you start to lower your self-worth and it can be damaging to your self-love and your overall mental health.
To add to this, we often compare ourselves to other people and we base our ideas of beauty off the "standard" of the times. This cycle of comparisons has gone on for years, but with social media, it has become much easier to do. These comparisons can lower your self-esteem and overtime will damage your self-love.
When you dedicate a time of day to journal about your self-worth, self-esteem, your accomplishments, your inner beauty, and what your proud of yourself for, you can battle those society terms that we are raised by and the online comparisons that kills our self-love. You can regain, develop, or strengthen your self-love by adding self-love journaling to your daily routine.
Find a safe place: Like other types of journaling, an important aspect of it, is where you journal. Your environment has a huge effect on your mental state and your well-being so journaling in a place you feel safe, mentally and physically, is important. It can be hard to be in a vulnerable state, in a place that you don't feel safe in. Your safe place might not be the same as someone else's too. It could be in your bedroom, at a park, or maybe just in the sunlight. Wherever you feel the safest to be at a vulnerable state is where you should self-love journal.
Pick a topic or a prompt: Unlike mind-dump journaling or daily journaling, where there is no "topic" or prompt, with self-love journaling it is beneficial to find a topic to journal about. Topics help to bring a focus to certain areas of your self-love. Love has no bounds or barriers so it can be hard to heal areas and regain self-love when you don't have a topic to start with. You don't have to stay within that topic you start with but finding a topic to get your mind thinking and focused can be beneficial for self-love journaling. (We have some prompt ideas at the bottom that can help you with this!)
Set a schedule: With some journaling, it is beneficial to journal on the days you feel like it, but with self-love journaling it is more beneficial to journal on a schedule. When you are regaining or developing self-love it can feel like waves or a rollercoaster of good and bad days. Self-love journaling on a set schedule can help keep your waves and rollercoasters to be calmer and leave you with less "whiplash". It is recommended to self-journal daily or every other day. You can set an alarm to remind yourself or you can add it to your morning or nightly routine. Find the time of day and schedule that you feel is the most beneficial to you.
What are 5 things you are proud of yourself for this week?
Talk about your favorite compliments you have gotten.
What is unique about your personality?
Write about 3 things you love about your appearance.
Brag about an accomplishment (big or small).
What are 5 personality traits of yours that you love?
When do you feel the most confident?
Would your life change if you were more confident in yourself? If you were confident in yourself, how would your life change and what would you do?
What habits do you want to start that will help with your self-love?
What are your "icky thoughts" about yourself?
Why do you deserve happiness?
How do accept compliments from others? Do you think this is the healthiest way for you?
Show appreciation for 3 things you don't like about yourself. (ex: "I don't like how anxious I get but sometimes by anxiety saves me from bad situation)
What habits do you have that cause you to compare yourself to others? Is there a way to change this habit?