Most pool chemicals are damaging for the hair, so here is some ways to take care of your hair this summer during pool time.
Chemicals in pools are there to make it safe to swim but it can actually damage your hair, especially if you are constantly at the pool, like most people are in the summer. Chlorine can make your hair become dry, loose some of the natural color, or damage the dyed color.
Ways to take care of your hair from pool chemical damage
Dry hair: dry hair after spending time in chlorine is very common but can cause split ends and make it appear dull or frizzy.
Apply aloe vera to the hair before getting in
Use an argon oil conditioner after a pool day
Mix apple cider vinegar and water together and rinse your hair with the mixed substance after your pool day
Condition your hair with almond oil in the shower after pool time.
Green hair: many natural or dyed blondes struggle with their hair turning green after chlorine exposure due to the cooper in pools binding to your hair which then oxidizes and turns green.
Apply apple cider vinegar to your hair, either before to prevent the green hair or after to fix green hair
Rinse your hair with lemon juice after to fix green hair
Soak your hair in tomato juice or ketchup after to fix the green hair.
Faded dyed hair: chlorine is a chemical used for bleaching so it can fade your dyed hair color when you swimming.
Apply coconut oil before going swimming
Rinse your hair with cold water before getting in the chlorine water to keep the chlorine from binding to the hair
Use a hair sunscreen before getting in the pool
Overall protection
Put your hair in a bun, pony tail, or a braid to prevent fully soaked hair in the chlorine
Wash your hair soon after getting out of the pool
Try a deep conditioner in the shower after swimming
Enjoy your time in the pool this summer and keep your hair healthy with these pool hair protection tips.