Happy FOOD FRIDAY everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love and gratitude surrounded by loved ones. Since today is the day after Thanksgiving, happy BLACK FRIDAY as well! It is a day of shopping and great deals, which means you need an easy and quick dinner. As far as Thanksgiving leftovers go, some people LOVE them and will eat them at every meal for a week. On the other hand, some aren't a huge fan or they get tired of the same meal. For the people in that second category, we have a recipe for you today! Thanksgiving leftovers don't need to go to waste this year, instead you can create a WASTE-FREE THANKSGIVING LEFTOVER SOUP! Bonus: It only takes 15 minutes and it extremely easy, so you can shop until the very last minute without worrying about your dinner AND you are being waste-free by not throwing out the leftovers you aren't eating. If you try out this recipe, tag us with @beeramagazine in a photo on your Instagram story and we will mention you in our own Instagram story!

Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2 people (You can add more leftovers to make it for more people if you need)
These will vary because everyone has slightly different Thanksgiving meals, so instead of giving you a list of ingredients, we are going to give you a list of possible ingredients for the soup contents and then a list of needed ingredients to make the soup.
Possible Ingredients
-Roasted potatoes
-Steamed carrots
-Roasted brocoli
-Green beans
-Roasted/steamed squash
-Roasted/steamed pumpkin
-Corn bread/ dinner rolls (these can be used to dip into the soup or you can use them as little pieces in the soup)
Needed Ingredients
-about 2 cups of soup broth (any kind will work, so you can pick)
-1 tsp of rosemary
-1 tsp of basil
-1/4 tsp of salt
-1/2 tsp of thyme
First gather all your ingredients you are choosing to use. This will be a combination of the possible ingredient and then all of the needed ingredients. An example of this would be: rice, roasted potatoes, steamed carrots, tofu, corn, and all of the needed ingredients.
Once you have all the ingredients you are choosing to use, grab a pot and pour your broth into the pot.
With the soup broth in the pot, add in the combination of the possible ingredients first.
Then, with the soup broth and the combination of possible ingredients, add in the rosemary, basil, salt, and thyme to season the soup.
Place the pot on the stove top and turn the heat to medium temp. You don't want it too hot because the contents of the soup are already cooked.
Let it cook for about 5-10 minutes. (Until it is hot.)
Then, take the soup off the stove top and enjoy your WASTE-FREE THANKSGIVING LEFTOVER SOUP! You can also dip in your cornbread or dinner rolls if you have them (this will soften them up a bit if they are already hardening.)
This soup is super flexible with it's recipe so you don't need to worry if you don't have one of the items or you add in a different item to your possible combination. You can also do a different flavor of seasonings if you aren't a fan of the rosemary, basil, thyme combination. As we said before, it is super flexible so you can do just about anything and it will still taste amazing!
We hope you enjoyed this WASTE-FREE THANKSGIVING LEFTOVER SOUP recipe on FOOD FRIDAY! Remember: If you try out this recipe, tag us with @beeramagazine in a photo on your Instagram story and we will mention you in our own Instagram story!