Happy FOOD FRIDAY! Today is for those people who are corn free or gluten free or vegan or don’t like regular tortillas OR just want to switch it up a bit! We have a simple three ingredient SWEET POTATO TORTILLA recipe ready for you! It is yummy, it is easy, it is fast, and it is the PERFECT snack:) If you try out this recipe, tag us on Instagram or Pinterest with @beeramagazine for a possible feature.💛
So let’s get to the recipe!
SERVES: Two people (about 6-7 tortillas)
1 baked sweet potato (can be boiled too)
1/2 cup of cassava flour
1 tbsp of water
First, you need to peel the skin off your baked sweet potato. The skin is not usually stuck on the potato once cooked so it’s much easier to peel off after it’s cooked.
Once you peel it, then get a medium sized bowl and mash it up.
After your potato is mashed up, add in the cassava flour and water to the bowl.
Mix the ingredients together until fully blended.
Then, get two re-useable parchment paper pieces or two silicone pads and put a ball of dough between them like a sandwich.
Next, get a rolling pin and roll over the paper and dough until it is as flat as a tortilla.
Once you roll the dough, get a medium sized frying pan and put a little bit of oil on the bottom. Turn on the stove to medium-low temperature.
Once the pan is heated up a bit, take off the top piece of paper from the rolled out dough. Then flip the dough and the bottom paper onto the pan WITH THE TORTILLA FACING THE PAN.
After the tortilla has been put on the pan, you can remove the bottom piece of paper by peeling it off.
When the tortilla starts to turn a little white, you can flip the tortilla over and let it cook the other side. Once both sides are cooked, you can place it on a plate to cool down.
REPEAT steps 5-10 until all the dough is used up.
Happy FOOD FRIDAY! Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Remember to check ou the other blog posts from this week:
If you want your recipe to be featured (with credit to you), reach out to us in the "CONTACT" section or message us on our Instagram @beeramagazine. If you want us to do certain recipe or you want us to turn a recipe gluten free, vegan, or another restriction, feel free to reach out via Instagram or in our CONTACT section as well.