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Writer's pictureBrooklyn Dieterle


Happy Thursday! At the beginning of the week we touched on how to keep yourself from an end of year burn out. This included 6 different ways that help with refocusing and energy boosting. To continue on with the idea of energy boosting, today's blog post is a mid-day energy boosting yoga flow.

We have mentioned this in pervious blog posts but yoga can heal your mind and body in so many ways. Practicing for 15-45 minutes a day can improve your mental AND your physical health. This flow contains beginner level poses for you to learn or if you already know, for you to practice. Below is the full flow video speed up and if you keep reading we have a full pose breakdown with photo references.



1. Mountain pose The first pose of the flow is the mountain pose. To do this pose stand with your feet together and your arms in a lower v. You can keep your fingers wide or you can put your middle finger to your thumb. Then starting with your toes and ending with your head, squeeze every section of your body one at a time.

2. Chair pose Next move into your chair pose. To do this, start in your mountain pose, then bend your knees, then tuck your tailbone underneath your hips, and shift your weight to be centered over your heels. Try to engage your core and take five deep breaths.

3. Warrior two

From your chair pose, move one leg behind you into a lunge, keeping your hips, shoulders, and your back foot facing the longer side of your mat. Take a deep breath in, then move your arms into a straight line while keeping your head and front foot facing the front of your mat. Take three deep breaths, then move into the next pose.

4. Extended side angle pose:

From your warrior two pose, move your entire upper body forward until your front hand touches the floor and your back hand is in the air. Then move your head to look at your top hand. Take three deep breaths. Then move your upper body back into your warrior two pose.

5. Repeat poses 2-4

The other side of warrior two and extended side angle

From there, move from your warrior two pose back to your chair pose. And then switch to your other side of warrior two. Once you take three deep breaths, move to your extended side angle. After your back into your warrior two, you can move onto pose 6.

6. Wide-legged forward fold

From Warrior two move your front foot to face the long side of your yoga mat so that both feet are now facing the same direction. Then fold your upper body down to the ground and move your arms to touch the ground. Keep your weight in your feet and hold for three breaths. After three breaths, move your arms above your head and interlace your fingers.

8. Lastly, stand back up, put your feet together, and move back into your mountain pose.


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