Can you believe December is almost over? We hope you all had a lovely Christmas if you celebrate it and if not we hope you had a good weekend or winter break! Now that the year is almost over, it is time to create a vision board. Similar to a mood board, a vision board can help you direct your year and accomplish goals. With a vision board you can remind yourself what you are working for, give yourself mindsets to refocus yourself, and direct yourself to the life you want to live. Vision boards can seem stressful to create at first but that is why we are here to help you out.

Within a vision board you have a few options of what to include. So we have a created a quick list of these for you to read through and pick out the topics that will be the most beneficial for you.
Goals: Goals for the new year is a great place to start for your vision board and can help you stay on track throughout the year. Often times we just write down a goal and forget it because it is lost in a notebook. With a vision board though, your goals will be on a board right in front of your eyes to remind you. In a vision board, you can also include tiny "goals" or steps to get to those bigger goals. There are also a collection of different of goals for you to pick through to find the ones you want in your life: life goals, health goals, learning goals, cleaning goals, ect...
Future Dreams/goals: Future dreams are those dreams that you can't accomplish in the next year but what you are working for. They are like massive goals, which right now might seem like a dream. Once you put your future dreams on a vision board, the future dreams can become future goals and you can start working towards them, no matter how big they seem right now.
Reminders/affirmations: Reminders and affirmations are good to put on your vision board because they can help redirect you on bad days or rough times. They are also good for creating the life you want and attracting things you want into your life.
A word to direct the year: One thing that is helpful to include on a vision board is a main word to direct your year. For example if your word was FREEDOM, when you have to make decisions throughout the year, you can decide on the options of what will give you the most freedom. Some other words you could do are: Independent, happy, calm, growth, simplify, ect... There are tons of one word guides online that can help you as well.
Symbols to represent and remind: This isn't essential for your vision board but it can add to it. For this you can find items that you love or an item that means something. Every time you see that item it can remind you of what you are working for, affirmation, ect... Example: If your word guide for the year was freedom, you could have a bird symbolize that word. Every time you see a bird it can serve as a reminder to you of your "freedom" for the year. If you are a vision person, this might be for you.
Priorities: Priorities can range from what you want your priorities to be for the year to reminders of what your priorities are in your life. Having written priorities can help with decision making, helps with orders of importance in your year or life, ect...
Vacations: For those who have vacations already planned for the new year, this is great to add to your vision board. It can serve as reminder for what to come and give you something to look forward to on rough days. If you don't have anything planned, you can put past vacation pictures for happy reminders or places you want to visit/ideas of places to visit.
Emotions you want to feel: Writing down the emotions you want to feel for the year and pasting them on your vision board, can help you feel those emotions. You can write down a word like "happy" and it can help you make it a point to do what makes you feel HAPPY.
Books to read: For the book lovers, this is a great place to make reading goals and put that "to read" list. For example: You can have ten books on your "to read" list, then you can double that number and say you want to read 20 books this year.
Habits to form: For this, you can come up with habits you would like to have and then find ways to make it a do-able habit. Once you have your habit and your ways to make it happen, you can write it down and paste in on your vision board. This way you remind yourself what you have to do to make that new habit.
After you have decided what to include on your vision board, you can begin creating one. You can do it online or make a physical board as well. Feel free to share pictures of your vision board with us @beeramagazine on Instagram for a possible feature. Again, we hope you all had a wonderful holiday, weekend, or break. And we hope you have a good week to come.