The cool air whisking through the sky, the frosty wind blowing along your skin. Can you believe winter is almost here? Winter months often make peoples skin dry because of the lack of moisture in the air. The dryness can make your skin feel flaky, chapped, and tight. None of those are fun feelings which means you need a way to prepare for the dryer months of this year. One simple way to face the dry winter months, would be creating your own face mask at home. Today we are going to give you an easy HONEY-OATMEAL FACE MASK recipe. It is easy and re-hydrating to the skin. Honey has moisture sealing qualities which leads to hydrated skin. Oatmeal helps creates a barrier around the skin which holds in the water to keep your skin moisturized. The combination of honey and oatmeal make for a great hydrating face mask. This face mask also helps calm skin irritation, fight acne, and help with skin aging. So let's get to this amazing face mask recipe!

To start with you will need to gather all of your ingredients. Fortunately, there are only two ingredients, making this super simple!
-1 tbsp of rolled oats
-1 1/2 tsp of honey
-You will need something to crush the oats. Either a mortar and pestle, a blender, or another item that can crush the oats.
To start with, you will need to crush all of the rolled oats. You can do this anyway available to you.
Once all of the oats are crushed, pour the crushed oats into a small bowl with room to mix.
Now, measure out your honey and add it to the bowl of crushed oats.
Combine the mixture until it is fully mixed.
Next, you can either use it right away or you can store it in a jar to use for later.
When you use it, you can apply it straight to your face with your hands, a spoon, or a brush.
Rub it on your face evenly so all of your face is moisturized equally.
Let the mask sit on your face for 15 minutes.
Once the 15 minutes are up, rinse your face with warm water or a warm, wet towel.
Pat your face dry with a towel, and you are done!
We hope you enjoy this face mask and that is helps you get ahead in hydrating your face for these dryer months of winter. If you are in need of a body scrub to exfoliate your skin, check out our blog post: 3 EXFOLIATING SUGAR SCRUBS TO TRY RIGHT NOW.
Remember to follow our social medias @beeramagazine on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter! Tag us in a photo on Instagram, of you using this HYDRATING HONEY-OATMEAL FACE MASK for a feature on our story! Happy Monday and remember, YOU ARE LOVED!